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लेकबेशी नगरपालिका

कर्णाली प्रदेश, सुर्खेत

डाटा वर्ग


Data on the health services and programs offered by the offices, including information on healthcare facilities, personnel, and patient records, to monitor the provision of healthcare to the public.

Trend of Utilization of Priority Health Services (2077-078-079-080)

Trend of health service coverage previous fiscal years 2077/078 to 2079/080 At local level to National level. This data was obtained From Health profile 2079/080 Provided BY Departments of Health services.

डाटा र फाइलहरू

Trend of Utilization of Priority Health Services.

Trend Of Health Service coverage Previous Fiscal Years 2077/078 to 2079/080 at National level.